Havin’ a Rootin-Tootin’ Good Time at the Scottsdale Western Spirit Museum! Part Two - Sculpture Garden…

As mentioned in my blog just previous to this one, my mom and I went to the Western Spirit Museum: Scottsdale Museum of the West yesterday and today and it was wonderful! During this post I’m going to focus on the courtyard sculpture garden.

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Havin’ a Rootin-Tootin’ Good Time at the Scottsdale Western Spirit Museum! Part One…

Howdy, Partners!!! I’m having a great time here in Scottsdale learning about all sorts of things. Yesterday and today, my mom and I went to the Western Spirit Museum: Scottsdale Museum of the West. It was fabulous!

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Deanna Etherington Deanna Etherington

Funny Recent Travel Story

I’m feeling rather snarky today as our furnace is not working on the coldest day in recent memory. 🤨 Just know I am sending this out under a pile of blankets dressed like an Alaskan lumberjack freshly back from a thrift store run. 😏

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Deanna Etherington Deanna Etherington

Hot-Air Balloon Festivals

While I enjoy festivals of all kinds, few festivals bring me more joy than hot-air balloon festivals.

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