Toss-Up Tuesday: Tips for Visiting The Mall of America!

Today I feature my first guest blogger, my son! I told him he could write about any topic he wanted and he picked this, as The Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota is one of his favorite places to visit.

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A Beautiful Butterfly Oasis in the Arizona Desert

What do you think of when you see or think about a butterfly? I always think of Spring and colorful flowers. I also am enchanted by a butterfly’s flight - how they flit here and there but still manage to make it to where they want to be. In short, butterflies make me happy.

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See Plenty of Fish in the Sea at the Scottsdale OdySea Aquarium!

I absolutely love aquariums of all kinds! Well, I actually prefer the ones that don’t smell too “fishy.” Yeah, I know. 🙄

Anyway, I can spend all day in a large, well-done aquarium and Scottsdale’s OdySea is definitely both of those. There are more than 65 exhibits to explore and I’m not just talking tiny tanks I set in a wall.

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