The Beautiful Arizona Capitol and Memorial Park!

I am on an adventure in the Phoenix area with my mom! On a whim, we drove to downtown Phoenix and saw the Arizona capitol and part of the museum inside yesterday. There were great exhibits about the U.S.S. Arizona and the contributions of African-American soldiers in the U.S. Army. Plus, did you know that Arizona was the last of the continental United States to become part of the United States - as recently as 1912? I learned lots of new things today, which I love. 😊

Then we explored a nearby memorial park with numerous war memorials and interesting displays and art installations. I especially appreciated the artwork that went with the memorials. It really drew your attention to the memorials.

After that we drove to the airport to pick up my sister, accidentally driving through the departures area of the terminal because the Google Maps lady lead me astray. Always the optimist after I weigh the options, I said, “Well, now we know where to drop her off when she leaves!” 🤷‍♀️

We did manage to pick her up just fine and even found our way back to our lodging, with Google Maps not working part of the time and no place to pull over. So, again, just winging it. Seemed to be the theme for today. As you gain life experience and travel experience, you may occasionally find that “just winging it” is the way to have a good, impromptu day!

See some impromptu photos from our day of “winging it.” 😊

First newspaper in Arizona started by a woman.


A Life of Luxury - For a Few Hours Anyway! 😉


Take an Art Break in Omaha - Visit Kaneko!