West Seattle Wonders with Seattle Under the Radar Tours

In 2022 I when to Seattle with some friends and we took a tour with Lynn from Seattle Under the Radar Tours while we were there and it was fabulous! So when I went on my recent trip to Seattle in August, I contacted her for another tour. We wanted somewhere we hadn’t explored yet so she suggested West Seattle with one stop in Seattle along the way. It was a super suggestion!

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The Henry Mural Tour! - Part 2

On August 10, I took a fun and inspiring tour in Seattle called Henry Mural Tours. This post is Part 2. Please read the original post first. The tour was a total blast! Check this out!

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A Super Fun Art and Murals Tour in Seattle!

Many of you know I enjoy art of all kinds. My favorite type of art, though, usually involves lots of color, a hopeful message, and a bit of unique whimsy. When I was recently in Seattle, I was fortunate to discover a tour for an artist that checks all those boxes. It totally made my day! See why!!!

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A Tour on the Bricktown Water Taxi in Oklahoma City!

I love taking unique ways to travel, whether it be by air, train, unique automobile, or animal!  I have ridden in many types of vehicles, planes, trains, trolleys, tractors, boats of various types, and horses. So I was excited to try a water taxi in the canal in downtown Oklahoma City in April 2024. Yes, you read that right. 😏 It surprised me too!

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Deanna Etherington Deanna Etherington

In Honor of July 4: Iowa Freedom Rocks

As I was driving out of Sac City, Iowa yesterday a Freedom Rock captured my eye, surrounded by a tall circle of American flags. What is a Freedom Rock? It is a large rock painted on all sides with patriotic murals and tributes to those who have served in our armed forces in the U.S. These unique murals are painted by Ray “Bubba” Sorensen II. Many towns in Iowa have one.

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