In Honor of July 4: Iowa Freedom Rocks

Happy Independence Day, everyone! As some of you might have seen from my Bucket Lists Facebook page, I was traveling for the holiday and one place I stopped at was Sac City, Iowa. I’ve never been to Sac City and was actually looking for the World’s Largest Popcorn Ball (featured on a later post).

As I was driving out of town, a Freedom Rock captured my eye, surrounded by a tall circle of American flags. What is a Freedom Rock? It is a large rock painted on all sides with patriotic murals and tributes to those who have served in our armed forces in the U.S. Many towns in Iowa have one. In fact, there is a Freedom Rock in every one of Iowa’s 99 counties. A list of Iowa’s Freedom Rocks and additional information about both the Iowa Freedom Rocks and the artist’s goals can be found on the document and website below.

Ray “Bubba” Sorensen II is the artist who has been painting these Freedom Rocks. He became inspired to create these unique murals after he saw the movie Saving Private Ryan. Read and view more about the artist and his inspiration below. Also note that some photos of current Iowa Freedom Rocks are featured on the bottom of his home page. ⬇️

The artist has now started a 50 state tour and hopes to get a Freedom Rock in all 50 states. More information and photos of the current Freedom Rocks in other states are below. ⬇️

The Freedom Rocks are a beautiful reminder of the sacrifices and service of our military, both currently serving and our veterans. And if you are a veteran or current member of the armed forces, I thank you for your service.

Happy 4th of July, everyone! I hope each of you has a great weekend and takes a little time to think about and value the freedom for all that we enjoy in our country. 🇺🇸🎆🇺🇸🎇🇺🇸




Part Four: Incredible AirBnbs in the Midwest


The Intriguing Iowa Indie Bookshop Tour!