A Delightful Day at the Omaha Area Corgi Races!

Yes, you read that right! Corgi races are really a “thing” in the Omaha area. I have wanted to attend the races since I first heard about them a year or two ago. After all, I have to cheer on my short-legged, spunky little friends. In fact, I’ve decided my next pup will be a Corgi. I can see why the Queen fell in love with them. They are enthusiastic little firecrackers with adorable diminutive legs. They give it all they’ve got, including going the wrong way in a race. Love it!!! 😍

Oddly enough, the Corgi Races were held in Council Bluffs at River’s Edge Park. There were 10 regular heats of races, one heat for Corgi mixes, and one for Senior-age dogs. The grand finale was the Championship race. After looking for parking for a while, I got there just as Heat 3 was ending. I found a front row seat, spread out my lawn chair, donned my wonky hat, slathered on some sunscreen, settled in, and took in my surroundings.

The races themselves were conducted in a wide open grassy area surrounded on both sides by vendor tents with Corgi and pet-related merchandise and services, a few food trucks, and an official racing tent.

As each heat began, owners would guide their dogs to the appropriate gate and place them inside the gate area. A second or third person in their party would then slowly back their way towards the finish line, calling the dog’s name and perhaps using a squeaky toy or a ball or even a broom to get their attention. The goal was to capture and hold their pup’s attention so they would run towards the person holding the toy and hopefully do it faster than the other dogs. It was adorably chaotic. I’ve thought about it and that’s about the best way to describe the scene.

Before each heat, the dogs’ names were announced and a unique and often funny characteristic or memory about them was shared. I loved both the names and stories. I got to briefly meet several of the dogs and their owners. Most folks were super friendly and more than happy to tell you about their dog. 🥰

A Couple of Videos! ⬇️

The races were super fun to watch! Occasionally dog would race or happily trot toward the starting gates instead of the finish line. The joy on their little faces was almost palpable. They were so proud to be doing what they considered the right thing. On rare occasions the dogs would get in each others way and tumble in a friendly ball of flying fur. And, on occasion, an owner had to chase their dog around the field to clip on their leashes after the race. The pups apparently thought it was a dog park and were taking advantage of the freedom to run.

But, win or lose, nobody minded or seemed too competitive. That’s I think why I enjoyed it so much. It was just for fun! To me those are the best sporting events. To do something just for the joy of it. We can all take a tiny lesson from our diminutive Corgi pals. Do things just for the joy of it! Traveling, feeling the wind in your hair, hanging out with your pals, and enjoying a gorgeous Spring day. Isn’t that what life is all about?!? Take it from a Corgi and joyfully give it all you’ve got! 👏🐾❣️


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