Last summer I spent a week on my own in Milan! I stayed at an AirBnb with the most wonderful host (Stefania at K34 Milano B & B) and arranged some wonderful tours and activities while I was there. One of them was an exuberant tour in a classic Fiat!

Classic Fiat Tour Information ⬇️

Not only did I get to see and visit some fabulous places, I had a blast motoring around the streets of Milan with my fabulous tour guide, Luca. He was a perfect gentleman and a super fun guide! While he was driving he would wave and offer a friendly greeting to folks in Milan. While technically he was engaging in a little self-promotion of his tour business, it really made the time an absolute hoot! Scores of folks spotted us in the cute-as-a-bug classic Fiat, Luca shouting and waving to all and me grinning like a Cheshire cat and laughing the whole time in my wonky hat. Hundreds of folks all over Milan grinned and waved at us like old friends. I felt totally like a celebrity on a great adventure that day!

Not the best photo but I took a photo of the BAM park sign during the Fiat tour. ⬆️🚗

One of the places we went was a beautiful park named BAM, which stands for Biblioteca degli Alberi Milano in Italian. Translated, it means “Library of Trees.” The park was designed by Dutch studio Inside Out/Petra Blaisse. It has more than 135,000 plants of 100 different species and 500 trees of 23 different species arranged in circles. BAM was gorgeous and unique. I adored it!

BAM Webpage ⬇️

The Park Project Design. Very cool! ⬇️

The Park’s Different Areas or Spaces ⬇️ Unique and Fun!

Description of the Beautiful Botanical Variety at the park ⬇️

I got to walk around the park for about 20-30 minutes taking photos and admiring both the plants and the surrounding city. Skyscrapers with reflections and other unique buildings, some with murals, surrounded the park. I seriously could have stayed there all day if given the chance. Next time I will❣️😁😉

The tall building you see above is called the Bosco Verticale. ⬆️ Translated, that means “vertical forest.” Both the building and the park have won prestigious awards and sparked more of the concepts employed other places in the world.

The Park’s Different Areas or Spaces ⬆️ Unique and Fun!

Fun little food truck! 😍⬆️

Amazing! ⬆️

Loved the park reflections in the surrounding buildings! 😍⬆️

And again, here is a link to the classic car tour ⬇️

Also a link below for the amazing and affordable K34 Milano B & B. I highly recommend the tour, the B & B, and BAM. They are some of the reasons I fell in love with Milan and its people! 🫶


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