Motoring Around Milan in a Classic Car! Part One

Do you like classic cars? Have you always wondered what it would be like to feel like a celebrity for a few hours? Well, you’re in luck! You can read about both topics in this post!

Last summer I spent a week on my own in Milan! I stayed at an AirBnb with the most wonderful host and arranged some wonderful tours and activities while I was there. One of them was an exuberant tour in a classic Fiat!

Not only did I get to see and visit some fabulous places, I had a blast motoring around the streets of Milan with my fabulous tour guide, Luca. He was a perfect gentleman and a super fun guide! While he was driving he would wave and offer a friendly greeting to folks in Milan. While technically he was engaging in a little self-promotion of his tour business, it really made the time an absolute hoot! Scores of folks spotted us in the cute-as-a-bug classic Fiat, Luca shouting and waving to all and me grinning like a Cheshire cat and laughing the whole time in my wonky hat. Hundreds of folks all over Milan grinned and waved at us like old friends. I felt totally like a celebrity on a great adventure that day!

See this guy? He is taking our picture! 🤣🤳🚗

We saw much of the city in the little red Fiat and I had a ball! We made three stops during the tour where I got out for 20 minutes or so each stop and explored an area. This post will focus on the first stop and some of the exhilarating ride to get there. 😁

The first stop was at the Castillo Sforzesco (Castle Sforza), a medieval castle in Milan built in the 15th century. In addition to its splendid architecture, the castle now houses several museums and libraries. In the middle of the castle is a large park-like courtyard. On the day I was visiting, there was a children’s festival going on with lawn games, storytimes, and crafts for kids. I even enjoyed it myself, as it gave the whole visit a festive air with happy kids and lots of activity. There was a special museum exhibit about Michelangelo, which I would have loved to have seen but I didn’t have enough time at that point in my trip. Here are some photos and more info about the Castillo Sforzesco!

Storytelling, anyone? What a cool place to listen to a story (under the canopy)!

The sun symbol stands for the city of Milan.

Photos from the exhilarating drive to get to the castle!

This artwork is appropriately called Thread and Needle. 😊

Not a great photo but I adore the Duomo from any angle! 🥰

This gelato place ALWAYS had a line out front. Gelato rules in Italy! 😋

Sharing the road with streetcars. They are a great way to travel in Milan too!


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