Toss-Up Tuesday: Tips for Visiting The Mall of America!

Today I feature my first guest blogger, my son! I told him he could write about any topic he wanted and he picked this, as The Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota is one of his favorite places to visit.

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TTF: Travel Tip Friday - Tips for Selecting Lodging - Part One

So, you’ve decided you want to “get out of town.” What next?

One question I have been asked fairly frequently is, “How do you find and select good lodging when you travel?”

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Deanna Etherington Deanna Etherington

Sign Up for My Weekly Soon-to-Be Travel Blog Newsletter!

Looking for travel inspiration? Want to know what I’ve posted this week? I will share all that and more in my soon-to-be weekly travel blog email newsletter! Go to the bottom of this page and scroll to the footer contact area.

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