Feels Great to Cross Off a Bucket List Item Today!

Today I am super proud of myself! Not in a braggy or obnoxious sort of way, but in an “I accomplished a bucket list goal today.”

Eleven years ago I was fortunate to be able to travel from Vancouver to Victoria, British Columbia just for the day. I spent 5 wonderful hours in Victoria, two of them at world famous Butchart Gardens. It was so incredible that 2 hours was not nearly enough time. I vowed that day I would be back for a whole day some day in the future. It took 11 years, but today was the day!

I have walked more than 4 miles, I have a large white blister on the bottom of one foot, and I got in the shower immediately after I got back to the hotel (for obvious reasons), but I feel GREAT!!! 💪👊😁

I will write a full blog post in the next week or so, but I will post a few (Ok, ten. I will constrain myself to ten but it will be hard) photos from today. Many more, plus some videos, coming soon in a future post. 👏👏👏 Stay tuned! 😉


A Spectacular Seattle and Victoria, BC Trip!


A Tour on the Bricktown Water Taxi in Oklahoma City!