Try Something New! Be a Creator at the Hibernate and Create Spring Retreat in Omaha Next Weekend!

Something I discovered when I traveled to Italy this summer is that anybody -and I mean ANYBODY - can be a creator. You might not think of yourself as an artist (although I’m sure you did when you were age 4), but the word creator sums up everybody. I never enjoyed art much because I couldn’t even draw stick figures well, let alone paint or sculpt anything that looked like much, but I now whole-heartedly consider myself a creator and you can too! More about my Italian creations in another post, but here’s an opportunity closer to home for most of us.

I have been taking inexpensive classes this year from Kelli Sweet, who runs a creative organization called Hibernate and Create. A little background at the link below…

Next weekend is their big Spring retreat and I can’t wait! I am signed up for several classes and I’m so excited to be going! Next weekend I am going to learn how to create alcohol ink magnets, create imperfectly beautiful small quilts, and much more. Plus, I’m hoping to meet some new friends, make some unique gifts, and surprise myself in the process.

Great news! You can still sign up yourself! There are so many great options with incredible instructors. Class registration is open through Thursday, March 22, and classes are held at various times Friday through Sunday, March 23-25. You can sign up for one class or for all time slots! Your choice! Choose from creating a piece of beautiful jewelry to crocheting to making mini wood mosaics. So many fun things to try and only encouragement offered! Link is below.

Be sure to look at the images of the class projects below. That will make it readily apparent what you will be doing.

Here’s a few photos projects I’ve done in Kelli’s previous classes. Please note these projects will NOT be done at the upcoming retreat, but follow her Facebook page and I’m sure she will repeat some of these projects. I’m posting them to show you it is a blast - even if you can’t draw a stick figure - like me! You, too, can be a creator!


Blog Post Topics Week of March 18-25, 2024


ALWAYS Be Kind! The Day You Make Might Be Yours!