When you go to Seattle, you go to the iconic Space Needle! It’s almost a given! But did you know that the experience has been upgraded in the last few years?

While going to the very top of the iconic structure in the zippy elevators is still part of the attraction, they have redone both the top floor and the next-floor-down experience.

When you visit the Space Needle, it’s best to purchase tickets ahead of time to avoid long lines, especially in the summer. I like to go to anything that might have a long line first thing in the morning. So we were in line a few minutes before they opened, waited about a minute in line to go through he turnstiles, and then made our way casually up to the entrance and indoor line up area. Because there were very few people we leisurely read all the information about The Space Needle at the entrance.

You can still do that! Just use your cell phone! 😁⬆️😁

Then we made our way to the elevator for the sixty second ride to the top! I had forgotten there were windows in the front of the elevator so you can see the scenery change as you go up. While I’m a bit nervous about heights, this didn’t bother me at all. I found it fun, actually.

Once you get to the top the first thing everyone does is go outside on the viewing deck. They have recently installed tall, but sturdy and clean plexiglass “sides” on the top level that extend far above peoples’ heads. Quite honestly, it makes me feel far safer than the previous set-up. You can still take great photos and see everything perfectly. They also have installed numerous clear benches angled towards the outside walls that make for great photos. Some folks stand on them and take photos but I do well to sit on the edge of the bench and hold on to the front of it for dear life. 🤪😏☺️

Panorama photo ⬇️

When we got out at the top there was hardly anyone there so we had almost the whole viewing platform to ourselves for about 15-20 minutes. It was great! We took lots of photos, although it was a bit disappointing it was foggy. As more folks arrived up top, I stopped to look at my photos and realized the fog was actually a special gift. Due to the combination of the fog and the plexiglass, I noticed some pretty fantastic reflections. (See below) I was only able to photograph a few shots with the reflections because the fog was lifting and the crowds were increasing. I was so happy with what I was able to photograph though! A great souvenir!!! (Real unedited photos - I was amazed)

As it became more crowded we went inside the building and discovered a small pie shop that sold both fruit pies and meat pies. While a bit pricey, one small meat pie served me well as both breakfast and lunch. And they were quite tasty! We relaxed on an inside bench and enjoyed the view as we ate. I guess you can say we had a nice little picnic at the top. 👏😁

More info about the Space Needle, including TipTop Pies! ⬇️

We then headed down one flight of steps to the second floor from the top and noted they had several new features. (The restrooms are between those two floors, by the way) The most notable visitor feature on that floor is the partial glass floor. I admit that glass floors are not my idea of fun, so I let others walk on it and I peeked over the edge from the solid area. (Yeah, I know. Cluck, cluck. I’m a chicken. I do not care. I am not a hyperventilating chicken and I am still ALIVE. 😱🤣😉)

See the elevator? ⬆️

There are two additional areas open on that floor. One is a small restaurant with diminutive tables and chairs against the glass walls, with wonderful views. As the restaurant didn’t open until lunch and it wasn’t in our price range, we did not experience that. If you did want to experience that, I would make reservations well in advance.

You can also view your photo that was taken at the entrance to the attraction and purchase that if you wish. You can see your photo in a giant wall of photos, so that’s fun.

With that, we went down the elevator again, making sure to get a spot by the window. The door opens and you are ushered into the large gift shop at the bottom. As I have been there three times, I was not interested in souvenirs. In fact, most of my souvenirs are either gifts for family and friends or my own photos. Memories make the best souvenirs, I have found. 🫶

Lego Space Needle in gift shops reaches to second floor near the elevator loading area. Fun! ⬇️

As part of our CityPass ticket, we were able to go back up the Space Needle for free after 7pm on the same day. While it was a bit more crowded than before, we enjoyed our second trip up too. It was no longer foggy and we were able to see even more than in the morning, although it was a little hazy due to forest fires in Canada. 😢

We did not stay long, though, because there was an Olivia Rodrigo concert nearby 😮 and we wanted to beat the crowds back to our hotel. 🧐🏃‍♀️‍➡️🚕

Hot Tip!!!

If you are in Seattle for a few days, a CityPass is a great deal and saves you a considerable amount of money if you find several pass attractions you’d like to visit. They have a handy app that gives you the attraction options and lets you make reservations, as necessary. See more info below about package options and the 15 other cities where CityPass is also available. I find it to be a great deal when I travel! 💵 (Not compensated for that. Just my own experience.)

So, there you have it! The Space Needle is as iconic and fun as ever! I appreciate the recent updates that have been made and find it a fun, quintessentially-Seattle experience! I’d highly encourage you to go, even if you are a bit afraid of heights like me. And there’s nothing negative about your parents’ Space Needle, by the way. It was legendary for its time and is even more so today! ❤️

And also offer to take photos for others! They will beam with appreciation at your kindness and may offer to take a photo or two of you at the top! Here’s one a kind person took of me!

Space Needle website to plan your visit! ⬇️

Here’s some of the best photos from the top! 😱

Morning Visit with Fog ⬇️

On the top of a nearby museum! They are NOT to scale! 😲🤣😉⬆️

From our evening visit the same day! ⬇️

Mount Rainer in the distance! ⬇️⬆️

Look at all the sailboats! 😮⬆️🫶

No, my face was NOT dirty. I have no idea why a few photos turned out like that. Shadows, I guess. 🤪


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