The Inspiring 2024 Iowa State Fair!

I just returned from yet another fun day at the Iowa State Fair! You might think a fair in 2024 is an old fashioned place that only a few folks attend. Not so in Iowa and several other places in the U.S! In fact, in 2023 more than 1.1 million folks attended the Iowa State Fair and this year at least one daily attendance record was broken, so the Fair just keeps getting more and more popular.

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An “Iowa Nice” Kind of Day!

I spent the Fourth of July this year in the Okoboji area in Iowa, as I sometimes do. This year, due to flooding in Northwest Iowa (heartbreaking), I had to take a different route than normal to get there. On the way home I was looking for fun stops on Google Maps and I spotted Lost Island Lake Nature Center a ways south of Spencer, Iowa. So I paid it a visit on the Sunday afternoon after the 4th.

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Learn and Grow at the Lovely and Lush Lauritzen Gardens in Omaha!

As I have “acquired years and wisdom” (read between the lines), I have discovered that “tiptoeing through the tulips” is actually very beneficial for my well-being on multiple levels. I now LOVE gardens, particularly botanical gardens! Not only do they encourage me to get my steps in, the flowers, foliage, and trees enhance my mental health and feed my soul. The artwork inspires me. Listening to the birds sing and watching butterflies flit around calms and fascinates me. And I always learn something new. In short, spending time in a garden just makes me doggone happy. Maybe you can relate! 😁

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