Some News!

Greetings my fellow travelers!

As you can possibly tell, I am having trouble making more than three posts per week on my blog. I have underestimated how much time creating posts, organizing and creating photos and videos, marketing my blog, etc… while traveling and living a pretty busy life in between. So, I am going to run with three posts per week for now. I will post on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights at 7:30 pm Central time. On Fridays I will post about US travel, on Saturdays I will post about international travel, and on Sundays about miscellaneous travel topics such as local or Midwest travel, travel lodging, restaurants, activities, artwork, news, etc… Basically anything I want. 😉

By having fewer posts per week I am hoping to allow myself the opportunity to create more and better posts ahead of time, be more consistent, and do more with my blog in general. 🤞🤞🤞

Any feedback is welcome and appreciated! 😁 Thanks for understanding and following along on my blog!


The Scoop on Salem - Part One!


Tangling with a Tiger at the Omaha Zoo!