Let Your Local Library Entertain You As You Travel!

Having been a librarian in a previous chunk of my life, I’m obviously a big proponent of libraries in general - school libraries, public libraries, college and university libraries, regional libraries, and more! Since this is National Library Week, I thought a post about how I utilize my library when I travel and how you can use a destination library when you travel would be a fitting topic for this week.

So, when I travel I like to utilize my own local library to check out digital audio books and e-books to entertain me or continue to help me learn new things as I travel. In fact, on my most recent trip, I listened to a an hilarious life story of a fellow travel blogger. I constantly laughed out loud while driving. Sure makes the miles go faster! I will likely post about it at some point in the future. 😊

Another thing I like to use is digital travel magazines. My library has a robust collection that you can subscribe to the latest updates, so it will always feature the newest issue. Your library may also have a subscription to published digital resources (articles, videos, etc…) where you can look for any travel topic you desire, although I would look for the most recent resources you can find as travel information changes quickly. And of course you can always check out a lightweight print book or two to enjoy while traveling. 😉

Libraries have changed so much in recent years and have really become a hub for people of like interests to connect and learn. You might even want to look up activities a library at your destination might have available. Maybe you can participate in a board game night or participate in a book club or join a paper crafting or needlework group for a couple of hours. My public library is even offering gardening seminars and a basic soldering session. Libraries are a gathering place for all kinds of things! And you can always take a break at your destination to stop by the library to use their WiFi, their computers, their 3-D printers, their children’s sections, and read or use their physical resources. Some libraries will even let travelers check out their resources or have temporary passes for their digital collections. You might even find a library that has digital passes to get into local attractions for free! (Mine does) Today’s libraries are thinking outside the box and the best part is that they are free! Use your hard-earned dollars for lodging and food. The library has plenty of free, enjoyable things for you to explore both before and during your trip!

If you have an idea I’ve left out, just let me know and I’ll revise this post. Help me think outside of the box, please! 😉


Be Kind! The Day You Make Might Be Your Own!


Blog Posts for April 8 - 14