A Fantastic Time at The Fat Putter in Omaha!

It’s a curious thing, but sometimes it seems you just don’t go to local attractions in your own backyard. I think it’s a combination of “the grass is always greener somewhere else” and the relentless pace of working, raising a family, watching the grandkids, maintaining a social life, trying to stay healthy, and keeping most of those proverbial ducks in a row. I used to be sort of guilty of that, although we took our kids places in the area a bunch. Now I revel in what is available in my local area, possibly because I have a bit more time to enjoy it. This post is a great example of this.

I recently had a birthday so I decided I didn’t want gifts from my immediate family. Instead what I wanted was time at a newer downtown Omaha indoor mini golf place (called Fat Putter) and a nice lunch out with my whole immediate family. So, kudos to them, they all took time away and made it happen on a weekday (actually my birthday).

I’ve probably driven by Fat Putter at least 50 times in the last year or two, always reminding myself that sometime we should go there. Well, let me tell you that we should have gone sooner because it is super fun! Allow me to give you a look around…

Fat Putter is an indoor mini golf facility by day and is open to all ages until 6 pm. After 6 pm it becomes a 21 and older establishment as there is a bar inside. If you want to go with your family (younger than 21) then go before 6 pm, although morning is the least busy time. And a little secret I didn’t know before is there is metered parking behind and to the side of the building. I always wondered where folks parked when I would drive by.

Fat Putter may initially seem a bit expensive for the first 9 holes you play. BUT, subsequent courses played after the first course is 50% off. Scorekeeping is all automated if you wish it to be, but we chose not to keep score. I think we all have way more fun that way, plus it moves us along faster.

The courses we played (three of the four) were unbelievably fun and unlike any other mini golf course I’ve ever played. You actually have to play a different game (besides mini golf) at each hole. For example, the first hole we encountered, you an opponent had to play a short round of foosball (which I love) in order to determine where you can put your ball to putt. If you score against your opponent (get a goal, in other words), your ball drops down a little chute closer to the hole. If your opponent wins, you will need to put the ball further from the hole to putt. So, basically, each hole is really two games in one! SO MUCH FABULOUS FUN!!! I adored the whole idea. The theming was great too! There were bright colors, kitschy games, pop culture references for both young and older, and artwork galore. We probably had more fun playing the games that went with each hole than we did mini-golfing! There were some funny moments, like when my daughter stuck her putter out to block me from taking photos and then complained (a bit later) about why I didn’t get a picture of her hole-in-one on corn hole. 😏🙄🤣 There was also the time (at the same hole) that my corn hole beanbag was mere inches away from “escaping” to another course entirely. 🧐😜😏 Obviously I need more corn hole in my life for practice. 🤣

One small free ice cream with your first round. 😁

We played so many fun games we had to take a rest break and grab a snack. At first we thought the prices were a bit steep for baked pretzels, but then realized you got two large warm pretzels for that price and not just one. They had a number of drink and food options available, so you could easily have a snack or a meal if you wish.

I won’t post a ton of photos (and I don’t post family photos on my blog) because I don’t to spoil the surprise for you. That’s half the fun! But if you would like more info, click on the link and the short video below! Above all, just go and make some family memories!!! 🫶


Note: There are several themed Let’s Go Putt facilities in the area, although The Fat Putter is my favorite so far. Others might prefer the other places and themes though.

And we finished up with lunch here. ⬇️ Great family-favorite restaurant in Omaha’s Old Market for lunch! 😋

A view of Omaha’s Old Market from the Spaghetti Works patio. 👏


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